Country : Australia
Materials : Smalti, eco smalti, white gold, marble
Dimensions : 30 x 30 cms
What is unfolding this century is bewildering and tragic; so many lives in upheaval, polarisation dividing communities, restrictions on movement denying socialisation, isolation unraveling fragile minds.
Through artistic expression our creativity becomes our anchor, our lifeline, the antidote to chaos and loneliness.
Via the internet, we can still come together knowing we are part of a global community; supporting, encouraging, listening to each other. The hashtag has become the portal for our connection. It may not replace the warmth of touch but art online is embracing change, finding new ways to keep us connected in Covid times.
Judges’ comments:
“A quiet work that is replete with symbology, it is taking us on a journey and seems intentionally dark and ponderous, yet created with obvious passion. There are symbols of hope, the complexity of the circles so strong in their connections, the glimmers of life(blood) in the red pieces. The times are stamped with the hashtag, our point of contact, part of how we adapt and overcome. It also speaks of bridges across the circles of contact; a timely and rich comment on our world today.”