30:30 Vision 2019Click image to enlarge. Tani BatesShakespeare Helen BlackmanLooking to the Future Helen BurmanBeauty from Ashes Lucy ClearyMagical Metamorphosis Catherine ConatySiblings Elizabeth CramFingerprint. Transform. Labyrint Marion DavisChakra Georgina FindleyFlutters in Time Petra GlaserPorTRAYal Birgit HeinemannKeke Carol HellmersTowards Stillness Vicki JackettThe Kite Robyn JayConvergence April KeoghNature’s Transitions/States of Nature Mia KokkorisTransformative State of Mind Sue LeitchZeus and the Eagle Beate LinklemanShards with Purpose Janet MacinnesJourney Janet MacintoshOperculum Louise MarsonWhat’s Going on in my Head Laurel MunceWrence Peggy NelsonAutumn Leaves Bev PlowmanI love Blue and White – Paper to Glass Margaret ShawGoodbye Greenland Alison SpurgeonDissolving Amanda TattamNot Drowning, Reclaiming Monica ThompsonThe Opening of Life Cindy TopicRe-invented Barb UhlenbruchClarity Anjali VenkatAutumn’s Trousseau Susan WallaceTranquility Judith WatsonThe Last Trickle Patricia WatsonThe Transformation of the Great Barrier Reef Linda WeissMetamorphosis Xanthe WellsSpiral Kristin WohlersGreen – but not innocent Robin YoungStellar Evolution