Angèle Blasutti, Humble Pioneer

Country : Canada

Materials : Marble, salvaged porcelain, slag rocks, rusted metal, rust effect paint, birch bark, smalti, stained glass, ceramics

Dimensions : 36 x 20 x 6 cms

The environmental legacy of my hometown is one of demise but also of recovery. Traces of the damaging impacts left behind from decades of crude mining practices are still visible. However, thanks to innovative rehabilitation efforts, and mother nature’s resilience, the region’s landscape is no longer barren.

As a pioneer species, the hardy paper birch is one of the few that can establish itself in such harsh conditions. Whenever I see birch trees, I am reminded of the critical role this undervalued tree has had in setting up the foundation for a natural, self-regenerating ecosystem in a previously industrially-tarnished environment.